Tuesday, January 31, 2012

How do I take off the echo effect on Audacity?

I just downloaded Audacity and I'm trying to record an audio track for the first time but everything I say has an echo effect to it. How do I turn this option off?How do I take off the echo effect on Audacity?
The only way I can replicate this is by activating "software playthrough" on the preferences setup.

Go to File / Preferences / Audio I/O tab and make sure there is no tick alongside "software playthrough". Just click to un-check it if ticked.

Why it's there I don't know. I've never found a use for it.

Hope that helps.

If you want to record multiple tracks just check the "play other tracks while recording new one" box.

It's best to use headphones to monitor the previous tracks while recording the new one.

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